Monday, October 25, 2010

All about : Circadian rhythms

Although circadian rhythms is not functioning properly you may find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and wonder when you'll finally be back to a normal sleep schedule.Understanding circadian rhythms
The circadian rhythm is a natural body clock for sleeping and waking cycles. It is basically a 24-hour cycle in which there are different physical, mental and behavioral changes that occur. This rate is controlled by a group of nerve cells in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which respond to things like light and darkness, other environmental factors and physical changes in the body. When these changes occur, could cause a person to be more alert and more tired as the hours of day and signal the brain. Circadian rhythms affect things like:

* Sleep and wake cycles
* Body temperature
* When the hormones are released as melotonin
* High and low blood pressure
* Significant bodily functions

Anytime disturbed circadian rhythms, the body will fight to get back to normal. However, sometimes due to work, school, or other circumstances, this natural rate can not be followed. When this happens, watch your body will take several days to restore it or to remain out of sync. This can happen when you experience the following:

* The jet lag from being in different time zones
* Shift work
* Pregnancy and having a baby
* Medications
* Outside of your normal routine

When your circadian rhythms are out of sync, the most notable problem is tired all day. You may notice also a lack of preparedness and difficulty falling asleep, but there are more serious health problems can develop, including:

* Shift work sleep disorder
* Delayed sleep phase syndrome
* Severe Insomnia
* Depression
* Bipolar disorder
* Seasonal Affective Disorder

circadian rhythm of each individual is slightly different. The most important part remains the same schedule, if possible. It can also benefit from treatment for a sleep disorder. There are some additional factors that can affect the rate you as:

* Sleep and wake times: Try to sleep and wake up at the same times each day, including weekends.
* Meal times: Do not eat too soon before bed and try to have breakfast at the usual time each morning. Also avoid stimulants and alcohol.
* Light therapy: Using a light box can help you enhance the effect of sunlight to promote alertness.

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