Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All about : Diet Food List

If you're ready to start the Atkins diet for weight loss, the following list of Atkins diet foods can be used as a tool to help choose the best food.Too many people have the misconception that Atkins is a non-carbohydrate, high protein, high fat, free for all. It is not. What the Atkins Diet does is teach you to eat the type of carbohydrates your body working more efficiently - plant-based carbohydrates. From day one, it allowed plenty of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, which is one of the staple food for a healthy diet. The list of foods Atkins Diet dispels the myths surrounding diet and helps low-carb diet find the best diet while pursuing their goal weight.

* Meat: All unprocessed meats, including beef, pork, lamb, veal, lamb, venison, and ham. Bacon permitted if not processed with sugar; If containing bacon is available, is preferable.
* Poultry: all unprocessed poultry, including chicken, turkey, goose, duck, Cornish hens, pheasants, quail, ostrich, or EMU.
* Fish: All fish, including tuna, salmon, catfish, trout, snapper, sole, sardines, herring, and any other fish.
* Shellfish: any unprocessed shellfish, including oysters, mussels, crabs, shrimp, squid, lobster, mussels and scallops. Imitation crab or other shellfish products imitations prohibited.
* Eggs: Eggs no real possibility, including chicken, duck, quail or goose.
Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution divides the vegetables into two groups: the vegetable salad and other vegetables.

* Salads: Any lettuce, including iceberg, romaine, Bibb, escarole, mache, raddichio, arugula, and endive. Besides lettuce, leafy herbs (like dill, thyme, basil, oregano and cilantro) and many other vegetables which are regarded as salad vegetables. " These include other vegetables, Bok Choy, chives, cucumber, fennel (anise), parsley, celery, peppers (hot or sweet), radish, daikon, cabbage, mushrooms, olives, jicama and considered all the salad vegetables.
* Other vegetables: Among the other vegetables are allowed on the Atkins plan are asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, onions, zucchini summer (yellow, pattypan and zucchini), okra, turnips, avocado, sprouts Brussels, leafy greens (mustard, turnips, beets, cabbages,) broccoli, celery, and artichokes. In fact, just about any vegetable you might want to eat is allowed, except corn, potatoes, green (English) peas, and other sweet or starchy vegetables.
allowed more fat. Cold vegetable oils are preferable, it is important to include some source of omega-3 fatty acids, like flaxseed oil or salmon. Butter is allowed; Margarine is not. is olive oil, nut oils, seed oils, vegetable oils and everything is permitted. You can eat (or use for cooking) any fat that is part of the meat you.Dairy
Most dairy products are allowed, but must be full-fat and low in carbohydrates as possible. Yogurt is not allowed, and cheese (for free meals during the induction phase of two weeks) should be limited to one or two ounces per day.

* Cheese: whole cow's milk, goat or sheep's milk cheeses, and soy cheese is allowed and may be either hard or soft cheeses. No cheese food, cheese spreads, processed cheese food or cheese whey.

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