Thursday, October 28, 2010

All about : Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks

Familiarity with the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks can help you learn to recognize signs of debilitating panic yourself or others that you can take steps to relieve stress. While you may not be able to avoid an anxiety attack, you may be able to control their symptoms effectively and become less problematic.
An anxiety attack is a sudden, prolonged period of extremely elevated, unreasonable fear or anxiety. Commonly called panic attacks, these incidents may be caused by a number of things such as phobias, alarm, or disappointments. The causes of anxiety attacks can be different for everyone, but symptoms often remain the same.
An anxiety attack can last from a few seconds or may last several hours, depending on the severity of the attack and the reason behind it. If you can recognize the symptoms, you can treat them and make their attacks less severe.
The physical symptoms of panic attacks include:

* Rapid pounding heart or palpitations
* Sweating or hot flushes
* Nausea or vomiting
* Abnormally pale or flushed skin
* Dizziness
Frequent urination or diarrhea;
* Changes in appetite
* Fainting
* Headaches
* Unusual fatigue
* Muscle tension
* Insomnia or anxiety
* Hyperventilation or choking sensation
* Trembling or uncontrolled shaking
Not everyone will have the same symptoms if they experience panic attacks and severity of symptoms can vary from person to person and episode to episode. If you experience these types of symptoms combined with a sense of fear or panic, however, may be subject to anxiety attacks.About the feelings of Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety attacks are not just a natural reaction - there are many emotions and psychological symptoms of these attacks as well. Emotional symptoms ranging from fear and terror trouble concentrating, irritability, or feeling disconnected from himself. In connection with an anxiety attack, these emotional reactions are usually very strong and without a logical, direct cause.The physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety attacks should be considered together to determine if a person suffers from this condition. A medical professional can diagnose an anxiety disorder with symptoms of cataloging, and usually at least four different symptoms - either physical or emotional - must occur at regular intervals in order to conclude that anxiety attacks are present. If you think you may suffer from anxiety attacks, visit your doctor for a consultation on the possible causes and how to deal effectively eliminate your reactions
The first step in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress is to recognize that anxiety attacks can be a problem. Just face the truth, you can begin to take steps to mitigate the effects of your stress. Treating individual symptoms, such as taking a short nap if you are experiencing stress-related fatigue, or a cool drink if you have anxiety hot flashes may help you begin to feel more relaxed and in control. Once you have a handle on the most severe physical symptoms, you should address the cause of your stress, to help remove the trigger for the attack. If your symptoms naturally is really grueling, consult your doctor for medication to help control your attacks.
In many cases, psychological support is needed to help cure and even physical symptoms of anxiety. Panic attacks are part of the physical body's fight or flight response, and once you find the emotional connection to that primal urge to be able to better control your physical symptoms too.

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