Sunday, October 24, 2010

All about : Lemon Juice Help pimples

Acne sufferers of all ages who are looking more and more natural methods of treatment and control patches, and many are pleased that the lemon juice helps pimples disappear effectively.

The short answer is yes ... for some people. As with most acne treatments, if prescribed, a home remedy or over the counter, many people find it works wonders, while others see no improvement. The good news with trying lemon juice, as opposed to an expensive prescription that is dirt cheap if it does not work, you can literally make lemonade to ease your frustration.

Lemon juice is, of course, citric acid and rich in vitamin C, which has no end of benefits for all skin types. The citric acid acts to exfoliate the skin, is an important step in treating acne. It is also astringent, so dry the zit itself. Lemon juice is also a natural skin bleach, so it can act to reduce the redness of a pimple. A slice of lemon is also good for applying fresh acne scars, both for the exfoliation, accelerating the healing and temporary bleaching to improve the appearance of skin.

A simple method is to dab your fingers in a clean half lemon juice and apply directly to the pimple overnight. For people with sensitive skin, however, this can be very cruel. The acid can sting and even burn slightly. Mix lemon juice with a little honey, yogurt, or egg white, however, can help treat acne and protect your skin. If you go this route, mix lemon juice - about half a lemon should do - with a spoonful of egg white or honey and apply as a mask for 20 minutes.
Some people sleep with lemon juice mixed with honey on his face, but chaos in the pad may not be worth the ability to cleanse the skin in the morning. If you want to use lemon juice at night, dab a tiny bit on with your finger or a Q-tip. Be sure you only touch the pimple itself, or may wake up with a white spot where the remaining lemon juice reached.

Lemon juice can also help pimples when taken internally in addition to being applied topically. Whether by himself in hot water, or mixed with a little honey, lemon juice can help cleanse the system and thus illuminate the skin. While drinking either a half or whole lemon a day seems to be effective during a bad breakout, you should be careful with respect to this drug. Lemon juice is a hard acid and can damage tooth enamel if you drink regularly.

There are some possible problem with the use of lemon. Skin disorders can be painful or burning due to citric acid. This irritation can leave red marks residues.
Lemon juice can also be very drying. This is great for pimples, but it can be tough for the skin. Mix a dab of honey will help balance you out. Pure, preferably organic honey has natural antibacterial qualities that make a good healer of zits alone, but is also a powerful natural moisturizer.

While it is tempting to use lemon juice from concentrate for convenience, for local use must be real lemon. These properties are diluted in bottled lemon juice. You can use it for drinking, if you will, but if you want to prevent having to squeeze a zit, start squeezing a lemon.

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